Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Digital Portfolios/Blog

Your digital portfolio/blog will be due January 8, 2014. All assignments must be complete. Take your materials home over the break if needed! Canvas, paint, whatever....! Finishing touches only the week we return from vacation.

A (100-93)

B (92 - 85)
   C (84 – 78)
  D (77-70)
  F (69-50)
Artwork  Posted on Blog
works posted
8 works posted
5 works posted
4 works posted
    1 work posted
Commentary on Artwork


Rubric for Grading Art
Do your artwork grades magically appear on your report card? No. Do you receive a 100% just because you did it? No. Your artwork is thoughtfully assessed against this rubric. 
100 – 93 = A
92 – 87 = B
Above Average
Very Good
85 – 78 =C Average
Yet Acceptable               
77 - 70= D
Needs Improvement               
69 – 0 = F
 Elements and Principles of Design: Line, Texture, Color, Shape, Form, Value, Space
Principles of Design: Repetition, Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Unity
A: Planned carefully, made several sketches, and showed an awareness of the elements and principles of design; chose color scheme carefully, used space effectively.
B: The artwork shows that the student applied the principles of design while using one or more of the principles.
C: The student did the assignment adequately, yet it shows lack of planning and little evidence that an overall composition was planned.
D: The assignment was completed and turned in, but showed little evidence of any understanding of the elements and principles of art; no evidence of planning.
FThe student did the minimum or the artwork was never completed.

A: The student explored several choices before selecting one; generated many ideas; tried unusual combinations or changes on several ideas; made connections to previous knowledge; demonstrated outstanding problem-solving skills.
B: The student tried a few ideas before selecting one; or based his or her work on someone else’s idea; made decisions after referring to one source; solved the problem in a logical way.
C: The student tried one idea, and carried it out adequately, but it lacked originality; substituted “symbols” for personal observation; might gave copied a work.
D: The student fulfilled the assignment, but gave no evidence of trying anything unusual.
F: The student showed no evidence of original thought.

A: The project was continued until it was as complete as the student could make it; gave effort far beyond that required; took pride in going well beyond the requirement.
B: The student worked hard and completed the project, but with a little more effort it might have been outstanding.
C: The student finished the project, but it could have been improved with more effort; adequate interpretation of the assignment, but lacking finishes; chose an easy project and did it indifferently.
D: The project was completed with minimum effort.
F: The student did not finish the work adequately.

A: The artwork was beautifully and patiently done; it was as good as hard work could make it.
B: With a little more effort, the work could have been outstanding; lacks the finishing touches.
C: The student showed average craftsmanship; adequate, but not as good as it could have been, a bit careless.
D: The student showed below-average craftsmanship, lack of pride in finished artwork.
F: The student showed poor craftsmanship; evidence of laziness or total lack of understanding.

An Average will be combined focusing on the Content/Quality of your Portfolio work and the number of pieces completed.  Your work must be compiled in a Digital Portfolio (Your Blog).  The Blog is the evidence of your completed class work. This is your Summative Exam.

BLOG Assignments:

1st Period
Intermediate Art: Mandala, Popcorn, Outsider Can Art, Synthetic Selfie, Mask, Canvas Paintings, Acceleration Project, Animal Collage, Box with Social Issue Solution

3rd Period
Ceramics and Textiles: Twisted Pinch Pot, Animal Whistle, Box with Head and 4 Feet, Monster Pot, Day of the Dead Drawing, Paper Batik, Plate, Animal Collage, Teapot

4th Period
Beginning Art: Pen and Ink Landscape, Color Wheel, Pop Cartoon, Zentangles: Magazine and Initial, Paper Batik, Linear Perspective Drawings, Clay Mask, Animal Collage

How to write about your artwork.

Ideas-- Tell me (us) about your idea(s).
Process-- How did you make your artwork? (or, your painting, sculpture, collage)
Materials-- What materials (or tools) did you use?
Knowledge-- (concepts, vocabulary, artists studied). What kinds of: line, shapes, color, texture, space, form 3-D, did you use? How did you use the Principles of Art: Balance, Emphasis, Contrast, Movement, Pattern, Rhythm, Unity? Did you learn about an artist?
Future-- What will you make next? What would you like to learn more about (or, how to do)? 

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