Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Positively Pastel

 Beginning Art -Today we will continue to discover how to create the illusion of form by working with chalk pastels. You will draw a variety of spheres and shade them using the gray pastels. Next, we will draw Ballard balls and work with the colored pastels. Reinforcing how to create three dimensions on a two dimensional surface. At the end of class take a photo of your drawing, upload it, and blog about it following your guiding literacy questions.

After this lesson you will be able to say:
I can apply the Elements of Art, Value and Form.
I understand the role of planning in solving artistic problems.
I understand sensory awareness and artistic expression.

Literacy and Art

Use these questions to journal about your artwork in your Blog

1.        Ideas – Tell me about your idea.

2.       Process- How did you make your artwork?

3.       Knowledge- Concepts, vocabulary, artist studied. What kinds of:  line, shape, color, texture, space did you use?  How did you use the Principles of Art: balance, emphasis, contrast, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity? Did you learn about an artist?

4.       Future – What will you make next? What would you like to learn more about?

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