Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Landscape Box

Ceramics I and II - You will be learning a new handbuilding technique, slab construction. You will learn how to safely and efficiently use the slab roller to form a sheet of clay. From the sheet of clay you will cut your squares to form an enclosed box. This will be the foundation for your sculptural landscape box. We will also learn about the Impressionist Artists and decoratively glaze your box inspired by their painting techniques.

Monday, February 24, 2014

How To Make A Tessellation Tutorial - Geometry Project

Tessellation Color Theory

Beginning Art - You are going to create a Color Wheel. We will begin with a tesselation. 

 tessellation of a flat surface is the tiling of a plane using one or more geometric shapes, called tiles, with no overlaps and no gaps. In mathematics, tessellations can be generalized to higher dimensions. 

Your tessellation will be drawn on a 10 inch square. Divided in with concentric circles and finally painted. All of your colors will be mixed using the primary colors (red, blue, and yellow), plus 
black and white.

Click Here to enter the Google Site and Lesson

Artist, MC Escher

Friday, February 14, 2014

Graffiti Art


 All Classes - This week you will be uncovering the mystic and controversy behind the art of graffiti. You will be working in design teams digitally using web 2.0 apps, as well as iPad apps. You will be posting your designs on your Blog and sharing your thoughts about the creative process.

How to Begin:
Graffiti Art Webquest

Pretest on Graffiti Art

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Illustrated Alphabet

All Classes - Over the next 3 days you will create an Illustrated Alphabet. Your alphabet needs to be thematic. For example I might create an alphabet based on the theme of a summer picnic. All of my letters would relate to items that would be brought to the picnic. I might make letters out of hotdogs, pickles, ketchup, or a grill! Use your imagination!!!  Follow my Pinterest “Illustration” board for inspiration. We will work on this project for one week. Use your time wisely.

How to Begin:
1.      Sketch out a few ideas in your sketchbook.
2.      Mark your boxes on a 12” x 24” white sheet of paper.
3.      Your boxes will fit one letter and the size of the box is 2”x 3” (See my example)
4.      Fill each box with the design and theme of your letters.
5.      Color will color pencils.
6.      Try and create value changes and the illusion of form.

By the end of this lesson:
·         I understand how design influences artistic expression.
·         I can generate innovative solutions to artistic problems.
·         I understand the role of imagination and creativity in producing original art.

Positively Pastel

 Beginning Art -Today we will continue to discover how to create the illusion of form by working with chalk pastels. You will draw a variety of spheres and shade them using the gray pastels. Next, we will draw Ballard balls and work with the colored pastels. Reinforcing how to create three dimensions on a two dimensional surface. At the end of class take a photo of your drawing, upload it, and blog about it following your guiding literacy questions.

After this lesson you will be able to say:
I can apply the Elements of Art, Value and Form.
I understand the role of planning in solving artistic problems.
I understand sensory awareness and artistic expression.

Literacy and Art

Use these questions to journal about your artwork in your Blog

1.        Ideas – Tell me about your idea.

2.       Process- How did you make your artwork?

3.       Knowledge- Concepts, vocabulary, artist studied. What kinds of:  line, shape, color, texture, space did you use?  How did you use the Principles of Art: balance, emphasis, contrast, movement, pattern, rhythm, unity? Did you learn about an artist?

4.       Future – What will you make next? What would you like to learn more about?