Friday, August 29, 2014


Scott Shellstrom: Squirt, 1997 Painting

Scott Shellman - Realist Art

Intermediate Art

Called super-realism or hyper-realism, painters like Audrey Flack and Chuck Close often worked from photographic stills to create paintings that appeared to be photographs.

Hyperrealism, although photographic in essence, often entails a softer, much more complex focus on the subject depicted, presenting it as a living, tangible object. These objects and scenes in Hyperrealism paintings and sculptures are meticulously detailed to create the illusion of a reality not seen in the original photo. That is not to say they're surreal, as the illusion is a convincing depiction of (simulated) reality. Textures, surfaces, lighting effects, and shadows appear clearer and more distinct than the reference photo or even the actual subject itself.

These works often contain element of social and cultural meaning.

IV1.1 Use art vocabulary to critique art
ICX1.3 Classify art by artist, movement, and style

Recycled Reseen

Intermediate Art

We will be studying artists that create art by recycling discarded materials into new and unique ways creating art. We will begin our journey looking at the art of El Anatsui and uncover how the idea of "Change" influences is work, as well as the social message behind his artwork.


El Anatsui

Art 21 Video: El Anatsui, Change

IV2.1 Generate innovative solutions to artistic problems
IV2.3 Understand the role of emotion, imagination and creativity in producing art

CX1.3 Classify art by artist, movement, and style

Keep on Rockin"

Prehistoric artists created representations of human figures using a variety of media, styles, and techniques. Compare two examples drawn from different times and places by discussing the relationship between style or technique and expressive character.

Fully identify the works that you choose to write about. Title, Approx Date, Significance.

Make an outline.

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Are you Ready to Rock!!!?

Art History

 *Below are key ideas you need to be ready to discuss in class tomorrow:*

Key Words and Terms

   - abstraction
   - low relief
   - modeling
   - radiometric dating
   - post-and-lintel construction
   - menhirs
   - henge
   - potsherds
   - sculpture in the round
   - beveling
   - corbeling
   - dolmen
   - cromlechs
   - ware
   - relief sculpture
   - incising
   - absolute dating
   - corbel vault
   - capstones
   - passage grave
   - alignments
   - kilns

What is a Memory Image?

What was the meaning of cave art?

Explain Sympathetic Magic.

Name the 3 main caves. Which is the oldest?

What type of sculpture are the clay bison?

Explain how prehistoric artist create the paint and binder?

Discuss the meaning of the Venus of Willendorf.

Explain 2 types of Prehistoric Architecture.

How was "man" first represented? In what cave?

How was 
Skara Brae constructed?

How did the Iron Age develop?

How to look at the Elements of Art

Elements of Art: Line and Value


Beginning Art

Today you will be exploring two Elements of Art: Line and Value. Line, is a mark made by a moving tool. Value, is the lightness and darkness of a color. These Elements are essential to many works of art! We will begin today by drawing our self portrait using only line! About the middle of class we'll break and create a value scale using graphite and colored pencil.


BV12 Apply the Elements of Art and Principles of Design to create art.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

100 Day Creativity Challenge

This will be a bell ringer for all Visual Arts classes this year. Make sure you have your  own pencil and sketchbook each day!

100 Day Creativity Challenge

This is an ongoing bell ringing throughout the semester. Please work in your sketchbook/journal.This challenge has a bit more flexibility, of course.  It will work for writing and art. It is the most flexible 100 Day Challenge you can find. Please work in order.

  1.  Beginnings
  2. Warm
  3. Grateful
  4. Peace
  5. Spell
  6. Woods
  7. Fair
  8. Wish
  9. Potion
  10. Element
  11. Spirit
  12. Fear
  13. Winter
  14. Rain
  15. Clouds
  16. Snow
  17. Trapped
  18. Blood
  19. Twisted
  20. Falling
  21. Evanesce
  22. Mind
  23. Music
  24. Spring
  25. Flowers
  26. Dew
  27. Windows
  28. Reflection
  29. Mirrors
  30. Breeze
  31. Morbid
  32. Sacred
  33. Hollow
  34. Departed
  35. Heart
  36. Dirt
  37. New
  38. Voice
  39. Flowing
  40. Floated
  41. Motion
  42. Hello
  43. Lost
  44. Sleeping
  45. Dreaming
  46. Middle
  47. Fall
  48. Moon
  49. Orange
  50. Sun
  51. Food
  52. Thanksgiving
  53. Dust
  54. Take
  55. Rainbow
  56. Fantasy
  57. Red
  58. Awaken
  59. Twilight
  60. Fear
  61. Linger
  62. Distance
  63. Glance
  64. Candle
  65. Quietus
  66. Sensorial 
  67. Despond
  68. Hold
  69. Break
  70. Shiver
  71. Wish
  72. Summer
  73. Green
  74. Ice Cream
  75. Water
  76. Warm
  77. Stars
  78. Camping
  79. Swim
  80. Light
  81. Thunder
  82. Memories
  83. Fragile
  84. Whisper
  85. Consume
  86. Memory
  87. Midnight
  88. Ripples
  89. Quixotic
  90. Languor
  91. Symbol
  92. Beg
  93. Tear 
  94. Optimist
  95. Pretend
  96. Festival
  97. Carnival (or something like it)
  98. Branch
  99. Wrong
  100. Ending 

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Drawing Challenge: Color and Value

drawing lesson on values

Intermediate Art

Ready to warm up your drawing skills! 

-10"x10" White Paper
-Draw a grid that consist of 2"x2" squares
-Fill each square with a circle
-Select 25 abstract images from magazines using circular compositions
-On you drawing paper, Recreate the 25 images using colored pencils
-Focus on Color and Composition (Color bearing down Hard for intense darks! Create contrast!


IV21 Generate innovative solutions to artistic problems.

Art History Introduction Assignment

Reading Assignment

Read the introduction in Stokstad (pp. xxix-lii) and the Starter Kit (pp. xxiii-xxviii) outlining the premises and basic concepts of art history.

Writing Assignment

Select any Western painting, sculpture, or work of architecture from Art History that is included in the chapters we will cover in this course. First, write a complete visual description of the work by analyzing its overall composition and subject matter. Strive to create a mental picture of the work so that someone who has no prior knowledge of the work or of art history can recognize it from your description. Next, write a thorough formal analysis of the work in which you discuss its formal elements (i.e., line, color, texture, space, and composition) and utilize relevant art historical vocabulary to discuss its style, medium, and other pertinent issues.

This assignment will be due Wednesday 8/27/14 When this paper is returned to you, save it. For the final assignment, you will rewrite it in light of what you have learned during the course. You will not receive a grade for the initial paper, but you will receive a grade for your revision.  

Exquisite Corpse

Beginning Visual Arts
Exquisite Corpse A Blind Collaborative  
Among Surrealist techniques exploiting the mystique of accident was a kind of collective collage of words or images called the cadavre exquis (exquisite corpse). Based on an old parlor game, it was played by several people, each of whom would write a phrase on a sheet of paper, fold the paper to conceal part of it, and pass it on to the next player for his contribution.
The technique got its name from results obtained in initial playing, "Le cadavre / exquis / boira / le vin / nouveau" (The exquisite corpse will drink the young wine). Other examples are: "The dormitory of friable little girls puts the odious box right" and "The Senegal oyster will eat the tricolor bread." These poetic fragments were felt to reveal what Nicolas Calas characterized as the "unconscious reality in the personality of the group" resulting from a process of what Ernst called "mental contagion."
We are going to try this classic Verbal and Visual collage to a collective level in the Art room today. The game was adapted to the possibilities of drawing, and even collage, by rotating the small collages to each player as the various parts are added the create the surreal collage.

What you need:

Funny little objects

We will start by all finding a background, we will next pass what you started to another classmate and then begin finding a head, then we will switch again and all find a body, and so on…….


Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Welcome Back Fall 2014!

I am so excited and privileged to be your teacher this year! Bradley's Art Room is my blog where you will find your projects and lessons. This semesters classes include: 1st Art History, 3rd Beginning Visual Arts, and 4th Intermediate Visual Arts. You will visit this site often! I love to create lessons using Google Sites embedded with Video links. I also like to include your project rubrics here so you'll always know what is expected.